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Player of the year

editor / colorist / sound design

The Gatorade Player and Athlete of the Year program is a legacy project for young athletes that has been awarding top performing athletes from schools around the nation for over 30 years now. 

I've had the privilege of working on this project since 2015 and it's pretty wild in terms of what is pulled off with such a short turnaround time. The program has evolved a lot since the beginning, but to keep it short; we produce, shoot, edit & finish 12 of these projects a year, each within a 48 hour time frame. Then at the end of the season we repurpose all the footage for a large scale award show in July.

It’s the most challenging and taxing project I’ve ever worked on, but it’s always fun, always worth it and always keeps me on my toes. I’ve grown so much and learned an immeasurable amount of professional skills & techniques as a result of this incredible project.

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editor / colorist / Compositor

Gatorade asked One Tree Forest Films to produce a series of videos for their G-Endurance campaign, #MyFuelMyJourney. The campaign aimed to document personal stories of endurance athletes ranging from hardcore competitive triathletes to the average, everyday runner.

This was my first professional opportunity to experiment with vertical resolution storytelling which presented me and our team with a lot of fun challenges to conquer with creativity.

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collin mauro

collin mauro
